Miyawaki Forest

Miyawaki Dense Forest



The rapid urbanization and expansion of cities have led to the loss of natural habitats, a decline in biodiversity, and increased pollution levels. There is a pressing need to address these environmental challenges by creating green spaces within urban areas. The Miyawaki forest offers a sustainable and effective solution to restore biodiversity, improve air quality, and enhance the overall well-being of urban communities.


  • Establish a Miyawaki forest in a designated urban area, utilizing the Miyawaki method of planting local native tree species.

  • Enhance urban greenery by restoring and preserving native plant species and creating a self-sustaining forest ecosystem.

  • Promote biodiversity conservation by providing a habitat for local wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals.

  • Improve air quality and mitigate the effects of pollution by sequestering carbon dioxide and other pollutants through the dense vegetation of the Miyawaki forest.

  • Raise awareness and educate the local community about the importance of urban forestry and the benefits of the Miyawaki method.

  • Develop a replicable model for future implementation of Miyawaki forests in other urban areas.


The project will benefit various stakeholders, including:

  • Urban residents:The Miyawaki forest will provide a natural and serene space for residents to connect with nature, relax, and engage in recreational activities.

  • Local Biodiversity:The forest will serve as a habitat for various Birds, Insects, Butterflies, Reptiles and other living creature and contributing to ecological balance.

  • Local government and municipalities: The project will assist local authorities in achieving their sustainability and environmental goals, enhancing their reputation as green cities.


  • Increased urban biodiversity: The Miyawaki forest will foster the growth of a diverse range of plant species, attracting various forms of wildlife and contributing to the conservation of urban biodiversity.

  • Improved air quality: The dense vegetation will act as a natural air filter, absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen, leading to cleaner and healthier urban environments.

  • Enhanced community well-being: Access to green spaces and proximity to nature have been linked to improved mental health, reduced stress levels, and increased community cohesion.

  • Educational and awareness-building opportunities: The project will raise awareness among the local community about the importance of urban forests and the role they play in mitigating environmental challenges.

  • Replicability and scalability: The successful establishment of a Miyawaki forest will serve as a model for other urban areas, inspiring similar initiatives and contributing to a broader movement of urban greening.


  • Positive reputation and enhanced brand image.

  • Employee engagement activity via volunteering.

  • Meaningful social and environmental impact and improved community well-being.

  • Opportunities for collaboration and stakeholder engagement.

  • Access to valuable knowledge and insights.

  • Increased publicity and visibility.

  • Alignment with corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives.

  • Measurable results and evidence of impact.

Green Yatra has planted 60+ Miyawaki forests in India